Detailed forms and counterforms allow this typeface to be used in very large sizes.Hernández Niu is well-suited for publishing, small text and headlines. Five new styles have been added, ranging from neutral to more expressive fonts.Hernández Niu is a display slab serif font of thickened serifs, functional expressive ink-traps and true italics. The font is based on the design of Hernández Bold: the thickest weight has been adapted to fit small text better. Latin Power! Hernández Niu was designed by César Araya and Daniel Hernández. Niu is an adaptation of the original word new´, i.e., we have adapted this English word to the phonology and spelling of our own language but keeping the original meaning.Race mixing, diversity, change and adaptation are part of the essence of Latin American culture and, at Latinotype, we are all constantly expressing these elements in everything we do. In the typedesign industry the terms nova´, neue´, next´, new´ are often used to refer to a typeface that has been modified in different ways: redesign, technical readjustments, greater number of characters, etc.At Latinotype we are now starting to use the word niu´ to refer to these kinds of typefaces.
In order to offer a wide array of uses, the typeface has been structured by adding acomplete family of small caps, which makes this font well-suited for headlines, posters, branding and publishing design. Los Lana Niu comes with a wide range of ligatures included in every weight: from Thin to Black. This new version preserves the rustic aesthetics of the original typeface, but it lacks of curves and it visually looks as if it was a nirregular font. Along with the redesign, the font has increased from 1 to 24 different styles. Los Lana Niu was designed by Bruno Jara and Luciano Vergara. Los Lana Niu Bruno Jara and Luciano Vergara (2016).This family comes with a 434-character set that includes European diacritics, tabular figures, alternative characters, numerators and fractions, making it possible to use the font in 128 different languages.he font is well-suited for headlines, medium-length text, magazines, newspapers, advertising, corporate use and product design. The result is a very functional font with a contemporary design and highly readable at small sizes.aspo Slab consists of 7 weights, from Ultra Light to Black, with matching italics. Gaspo Slab is a fresh slab serif typeface that features aesthetically pleasing curves, strong serifs, ample counters, humanist proportions and ink traps. Gaspo Slab Daniel Peralta Casanova (2016).